Your grief is welcome here.

Grief is often thought of as only following a death.

The reality is that any change can cause grief.




















Relocation 〰️ Work 〰️ Relationships 〰️ Aging 〰️ Lifestyle 〰️ Expectations 〰️ Pandemic 〰️ Caregiving 〰️ Illness 〰️



Care Grieve Heal is here to support you no matter the cause of your grief.



Join us


Kathy Murri

Founder, Care Grieve Heal


Since 2017, Kathy Murri has been involved in supporting family caregivers through their journey and their grief.  Through this work, she realized how significant a role grief plays in our family histories, our everyday lives, and our future plans.  She founded Care • Grieve • Heal to provide services and support to people experiencing grief no matter the cause.  

The words Care Grieve Heal recognize that these three states are not sequential but in fact ebb and flow during one’s lifetime.  It’s universally understood that grief arises after a death,  but Kathy recognizes that grief occurs from a variety of changes that occur in people’s daily lives (including the pandemic).  Through Care Grieve Heal, Kathy provides space for grieving through groups and workshop experiences. 

Kathy has provided grief support services online since 2018.  In 2021, she began hosting a monthly virtual  “Unhurried Conversation about Grief and Loss”.  This unique format, open to anyone experiencing grief of any kind, received The Caring Award for Events in April 2022.

Kathy is a life-long learner whose career path has included educational administration, human resources management, and the music industry.

Kathy’s credentials include:

Certified Caregiving Consultant, Facilitator, Educator, and Advocate (The Caregiving Years Training Academy) 

Skills Consultant (Grief) at The Caregiving Years Training Academy

Grief Support Specialist (University of Wisconsin/Madison)

Grief Movement Guide (trained by Paul Denniston)

MBA (University of Massachusetts/Amherst)

MEd (Westfield State University, MA)


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